Tuesday 19 April 2016

Where Am I Going With My Life?

Hello everyone!

Wow, I guess it's been a while! School got on top of me, along with sport and performing arts... I ran out of hours in the day. I'm sure you've all been there at some point in your life. But, I'm back now and hopefully won't be taking another break for a long time!
For this blog entry, I decided to dig into the philosophical depths of my brain, and try and answer a question that we all ask ourselves regularly... where am I going with my life? What will I be doing in two years? Ten years? Heck, even thirty years?

This world moves way too fast for us to be able to get a grip on what's happening in our lives before our time is up. The days seem to be getting shorter as we're getting older. Does that mean that the future is closer and coming at us quicker? Or does it mean that your dreams, aspirations and predicted future are getting further and further out of your grip?

Okay, I need to stop myself before I get deeply depressed that my childhood is almost over, so let's come up with some positive ways to make your life worth it!

1. The Two Minute Rule
This may seem extremely crazy, but if you are sitting on your bed, desk chair or couch thinking about something little that you could be doing, get off your butt and do it! If you think you can complete it in two minutes or less, stop procrastinating.
This rule has already begun to change my life. As I'm waiting through television ads, I'll run to the bathroom and brush my teeth or I'll wash my face... I'll do something quick and easy that will help me in the future! Our world needs to learn to do everything in the spur of the moment and not procrastinate, our lives will be so much more enjoyable.

2. Turn Off Your Electronics
I know I wrote this off a computer, but our generation is stuck behind our screens way too often. Turn off your phone, laptop or tv and go outside, go to the mall and meet people face to face. Ask someone how their day is, or how they're feeling. Social media is supposed to connect us, but in reality, it's making us more and more disconnected.
Our futures are going to flash before our eyes if we hide behind our screens. Go out and explore the world!

3. Set More Goals Regularly
This is an obvious one, but one that everyone seems to forget. Setting goals for the next day, week, month or even year is such a helpful way to ensure you achieve what you want to achieve in your life. Without goals, you won't know where you want to be, and therefore won't know how to get there. Make sure your goals aren't like rules though, they need to be positive and things you really would like to do.

I hope this post helped you all with your lives in some way, let's all live life the best we can. See you all very soon!

Bella x
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/IsabellaHowarth
SoundCloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/bellahowarth
Instagram: @bellahowarth
Snapchat: BellaHowarth