Friday 12 August 2016

The Moment

My favourite times in life are the ones that you can't quite capture perfectly through the lens of a camera. Like being in love, or watching the sunrise, or looking for constellations in the stars.

Living in the moment, that's what it's called, and it's one thing that this generation, including myself, struggle with. My ambition and goal for the rest of this year is to just take a breath, look around and enjoy where I am at that moment, at each and every moment, because you can't rewind and you can't fast forward.

Even the bad moments, the bad times you want to scratch from your memory, we all need to find the good in those times and make them worth living for.

Throughout my life, I've been through struggles upon struggles and I'm only 15! I know there's more to come, more hurt, more pain, more tears, but that's part of life. Without those times, I wouldn't be able to stand up for myself, be confident or even be proud of who I am. Some of these struggles seem to be never ending, but there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. No matter how much darkness happens to be engulfing you, there will always be a flicker of light leading you to the greater good. At least that's what I believe.

I decided that, for this post, I might as well just give you a little insight into some of my favourite things and memorable moments I've created recently. So here they are:
  1. Hawaii
    Two weeks ago today, I was lounging on the beach in one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen, Honolulu. It was an experience of a lifetime and I genuinely would go back in the flicker of a heartbeat.
  2. Dancing
    After completing around 8-9 years of non-stop dancing and committing my life to it, and then pulling out last year, I was given the opportunity to dance on stage once again. I never thought I would miss it as much as I do, and I will cherish that moment of performance for a long time, even thought it was small and short-lived.
  3. Forgiveness
    I made some major mistakes last term that I would go back and change if I ever could. Losing so many friends was really eye-opening to me, and has definitely made me want to improve the person I am, as I definitely need to work on some aspects! But being alone for a while and having not many others to go to was hard, but I needed it. Then having forgiveness from some of my close friends has made me grateful to know them, even though I still need to prove myself and apologise to others. To those friends who may be reading this, I am sorry. I love you and will do everything in my power to be a better person. You know who you are.
  4. Music
    Ariana Grande and Rihanna's new songs are freaking phenomenal and have helped me through these tough past few months. If you're ever looking for some good ballads, listen to 'Love on the Brain' by Rihanna, 'Moonlight' and 'Into You' by Ariana.
  5. Family
    My family always makes me happy and calm. They've supported me through thick and thin, helping me through so much to get to where I am. I have so many exciting things planned for the near future that would be impossible without them in my lives.
There you go! A small look into my world. What's coming soon you ask? Improvements, hard work, enjoyment, happiness and hopefully some more forgiveness and second chances.

Bella x
Instagram: @bellahowarth
Snapchat: BellaHowarth