Sunday 25 December 2016

A New Beginning...

Hello everyone!

As you've noticed already, I'm terrible at keeping to a schedule. I always seem to let life get on top of me, and I guess that prevents me from pursuing what I want to do with my life, blogging being one of the little things that I want to do.

Over the past few months since I last posted, a lot has happened. Dealing with disrespect and rudeness from school peers, as well as a lot of disappointment. By a lot of disappointment, I mean A LOT. Missed opportunities, not being good enough, you know, the works. But those downs in my life have been succeeded by too many highs to count. Moments that I am forever grateful for, and some that I will never forget.

This world we live in is crazy, fast paced and unpredictable. No one is safe nor can escape the chaos and that's something we all learn to live with. However, everyone also finds their outlets of pain or sadness that allow them to cope with this world that is never silenced. Music, books, parties, exercise, sleep... the possibilities are endless! Of course there are negative outlets of this sorrow, such as through alcohol or other drugs, but the positive ones always prove to be more comforting when faced with challenges or hardship.

My outlet is this blog, or the internet in general. Sharing my perspective of life with people from all over the globe, as well as seeing how people live their chaotic lives through their Instagram photos, Snapchats, Facebook status', Youtube videos or even blogs of their own.

I guess what I'm trying to get across is that, although this world is unpredictable, all of us have an opportunity to create some sense of comfort through a certain aspect within the chaos. My comfort is this, what I'm doing now, and it was hard to see that opportunity drift away as the craziness engulfed me. But I'm back, and committed, and feeling ready to start this new year with, of course, a new blog.

This new layout is, well, perfect in my eyes. It's exactly how I want it to look, and I hope you all love it too. This post officially marks the relaunch of my blog!

2016 is closing, and I am writing this on Christmas day. Please don't even ask how another Christmas has arrived already, I can't even begin to comprehend it! But as this year comes to a close, more opportunities, chaos, highs and lows await. I hope, for those who are interested, some of you who are reading this will join me on this ride that will be 2017.

Merry Christmas to you all, and I will see you next Sunday on the first of January 2017, where you can join me in welcoming the new year. Sunday will be my official weekly upload day, so mark that in your calendars! My posts will be up in the evenings, around 7-9pm, so I hope you enjoy some structure in your lives.

See you all next year! (Why does it feel so wrong to be saying that already...)

Bella x

Snapchat: BellaHowarth