Wednesday 27 January 2016

New Years Resolutions

Hi internet!

Yes, this blog post is about New Years resolutions, even though the new year began almost a month ago, but that doesn’t make it irrelevant, right?

I feel like a lot of people around the world don’t take their resolutions seriously. Most people are too broad or too trendy, and don’t actually make resolutions that they can and want to achieve. These are the reasons why New Years resolutions have such a terrible reputation, and nearly everyone who has a Twitter account jokes about trying to obtain unrealistic goals at the start of each year.

Personally, I take these resolutions very seriously. I guess that may sound very generic coming from a fifteen-year-old girl, but I do genuinely put a lot of time and effort into setting up my resolutions and planning my year around them so I can be successful. 

I feel as though, if more people legitimately sat down and ran through some possible (and achievable) resolutions for each year, we could all be a much happier society, and we could all be the people we want to be.

For 2016, these are my resolutions. I do tend to change them around throughout the year, but I try my best to stick to them and work on them continuously. I am posting them all here, on my blog, so I can constantly be reminded of my goals, as well as show you guys, the lovely internet-users, my progress as I develop during this year.

One: Exercise at least once a day by either working out, running or completing some sort of recreational fitness. (Progress: This resolution has been a great success so far!)
Two: Cut down on my daily intake of sugars (mainly fructose/unnatural sugars) and fats. (Progress: I’m doing well… might have had a few cheat days...)
Three: Spend less time on the internet and more time outside. Have some adventures! (Progress: I am struggling with this one as I knew I would, but I am improving)
Four: Discover who you are, who you want to become and how you are going to get there. (Progress: I have decided that recording a diary of my answer to this question once a week or every so often will allow me to achieve this resolution)
Five: Improve my happiness and lower my anxiety levels. (Progress: This has improved immensely already, I have found many ways to make myself happy and calm, including blogging!)
Six: Make more time for friends and family and cherish every moment and memory with them. (Progress: I have made so many new friends this year already and I’m ready to focus on giving my time to others, instead of being selfish and wasting time on myself. Making others happy makes me happy, so it’s definitely a win-win situation)

All-in-all, I feel as though this year is going to be extremely successful. My mind is set on the positives and possibilities, not the negatives and dangers. I am ready to take on 2016, and show the world what I am capable of, even though I haven’t discovered that myself yet. I am ready for 2016, but is 2016 ready for me? 

I guess only time will tell.

Bella x
Instagram: @bellahowarth
Snapchat: BellaHowarth

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