Sunday 1 January 2017


Hello all!

Welcome back to my blog, I hope you all are doing well on this fine day. Welcome to 2017! I feel as though I won't find that statement normal until this time next year.

Over the past week that I've been on summer holiday, I have experienced so many new things that have allowed me to develop as a person. The people I've met, things I've done and aspects of life that I've tried have all shown me a side to life that I'd never really been apart of until now, and it also made me realise where I stand and where I want to be.

This year is going to be interesting, full of more experiences that will change me and those around me. Some advice for you all for this year, which may seem obvious but I feel is a point that many people forget as time goes on; focus your energy on the people and activities that excite you and allow you to be yourself. Trying to fit in with people or do things that scare you or make you uncomfortable can be a good way to learn, but can also affect how you view yourself as a person. Be yourself this year, and make 2017 the year for you.

I hope your New Years was just as exciting as mine, and you have a great first week of this fresh start.

Bella x

Snapchat: BellaHowarth

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