Sunday 22 January 2017

Your Future

Hi guys,

This post was supposed to be about my 16th birthday on the 20th of January, however, due to some recent events I've decided to post about something else.

This is a similar vibe to the last post, so if you want something more upbeat and fun, next week's post will be about my birthday, so make sure you stick around and check that out. 


School is really important to me. I think I've expressed this a few times in other posts, but what I study at school and where it's all going to lead me is a major part of my life and my plans. I know people don't care about school, a lot of people don't, but to my beliefs and morals, it is a very significant aspect of my life.

Currently, I'm in the process of making an extremely tough decision between subjects at school, as two of my favourite and best subjects are on at the same time, so therefore I can't do both. Due to the diploma I'm doing, the subjects I choose now are ones that I do for the next two years until I graduate, so what I choose is very important.

Deciding between these two is going to break me, and hurt a lot, as I've put so much work into both of them over the years, and have also been looking forward to both courses immensely. However, it is a choice that I have to make, and I have to look into my future and see what is most necessary.

But this post isn't really about school, it's about the situation I'm in. We make decisions every second of every day. We are forced and thrown into different positions where we have to choose what's about to occur to us. It's life, everyone experiences it, and everyone learns from those decisions.

Right now, this subject choice seems massive in my life. However, in two years time once I've hopefully graduated and got into University, this decision might not be as large as I see at the moment. Changing subjects will make me work hard, even harder than I would if I didn't have to change, so in retrospect it could all be a sign, and beneficial. I guess time will tell.

Dropping either subject also unfortunately rules out some amazing opportunities, such as travelling to another country as part of my study. For me, life was seeming almost perfect going into this year, so having an early challenge could do me a lot of good in preparing for the future.

Sorry for another weird and kind of down post. I really appreciate all the support I get on this blog and it helps me realise how caring people are for one another. You, the one reading this right now, are amazing, special and so so beautiful. Thank you for existing, and making this world brighter.

Best of luck for you all this year, have you faced any challenges this month yet?

This is also my first blog post as a 16 year old! Weird... hopefully a great year ahead.

All my love, comment, follow and share this around!

Bella x
Snapchat: BellaHowarth

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